Where to start | 5 Tips on how to choose your bridal style.

If you’re newly engaged, or just happen to be planning your ultimate fantasy Pinterest wedding, you’ll know that the world of bridal outfits is a vast sea of choice, an ever changing and growing offering. Once you start looking for a style you love, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with all the choice and to wonder what on earth will suit you. Your wedding day is a day you want to feel like the absolute best version of yourself, and so much more goes into that feeling than just the outfit you’re wearing. If you don’t feel comfortable or like you’re expressing yourself and your unique personality then you won’t truly feel like your best self.

I have no doubt that many of us could chose multiple dresses, and love each and every one of them for different reasons, it is SO hard to choose just one. That’s why I think it’s a good idea to try and narrow down your ‘bridal personality’. This can take into account your wedding venue and your general vibe for the day, The idea is that this might help you to tune out some of the noise and zero in on the right type of dress you’re searching for in the vast variety of choice. After years working in the bridal industry and since becoming a bride myself, there are a few ideas and points to look out for.

  1. Notice what styles you gravitate towards for events and special occasions.

Take note of what you typically love to wear for special occasions, nights out and events. Think about what makes you feel most confident and what areas of your body you typically prefer to highlight. Maybe you’ve been a bridesmaid multiple times, which dress styles did you like the most? What is your go to wedding guest outfit vibe? Are you a boho maxi dress guest or a sleek minimal jumpsuit type of person? Try to remember the outfits you felt absolutely amazing in, were they form fitting or flowing? Is there an obvious neckline you’re drawn to or can you notice types of fabric that you love? These are definitely things to pay attention to, and ideas that might help you uncover your bridal personality.

Don’t write this tip off if you think to yourself ‘I never feel comfortable dressed up, I’m such a casual person’ That can be a bridal vibe too, if you’re typically a very causal dresser there are ways to translate that into your bridal look to ensure you feel the most like yourself and prevent you feeling like you’re in a costume. You could surprise yourself and adore a huge ball gown with sparkles all over! But if you don’t adore it that’s absolutely okay, if structured bodices, long trains, huge skirts and fussy intricate beading just isn’t for you then it’s time to look for something more low key but no less special. There are so many simple and chic styles if you’re a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl at heart, try some fabrics which are more natural looking or silhouettes which are less intimidating to you. There will definitely be an option out there that makes you feel 100% yourself while still feeling incredibly special.

2. Pay attention to how you FEEL in an outfit.

This might sound a bit obvious but it’s so easy to get swept up in how something looks rather than how it feels. We’ve all been there, when we love an item so much that you talk yourself into buying it, even though the material is a bit scratchy, it’s a bit too short or it just doesn’t sit quite right. Ultimately if something doesn’t feel effortless to wear then the chances are it will end up irritating you, especially on your wedding day ,which is a long day in one outfit! Make sure you take a walk around in your dress, (I know this can be hard if the sample is much too long or the wrong size for you, but at least try to have a little dance in it). Check if you can raise your arms to cheer and hug. Check if the fabric or beading is scratching your skin or the armholes are uncomfortable. Take note of how the fabric feels to move in, does it swish how you would like it to or does it cling in places you would rather it didn’t. Does it make you feel amazing? The way your outfit FEELS is so important, when you’re happy and comfortable it allows you to shine even brighter,

3. Tune out any expectations or opinions from anyone, even your Mum.

This one is really difficult and it’s easy to say but harder to put into practice. There seems to be all of this pressure around whether you cried or not when you found the dress, and even whether your Mum cried or not! Let’s be honest, how many of us have the same taste in style as our Mum?? The reality is that there can be all sorts of emotions tied up in wedding dress shopping and it can feel heavy and loaded for a lot of us. Try to shake it off, try not to set your own expectations so high that you’ll end up feeing deflated if everybody doesn’t spontaneously burst into tears immediately at your favourite dress - I expect some Mothers do this, but I’m sure there are many that don’t and it seems odd to me to measure the success of a dress or appointment by the emotional reaction of your support party. Let’s remember this is in fact all about you!! It’s you that will be wearing the look, and only you who knows how you truly feel in it. It’s important to remember that we are all entirely and wonderfully unique and all anybody wants, is that you feel fantastic and beautiful on your day, whatever you decide to wear.

4. Stop looking once you have chosen a dress. And a word on photos.

Once you’ve hit the button and said yes to your dream dress try your very hardest to stop trawling Instagram and Pinterest - there is no doubt you will come across images of other weddings and analyse each and every dress you see wondering if you should have gone for something bigger/more dramatic/more fitted/long sleeved etc. The thing is you will drive yourself crazy and sew a seed of doubt the more you fall in love with images of other brides in their wedding dress. Remember though, that those dresses are perfect for THOSE brides and they chose them for a reason. How many times have you seen a beautiful outfit on someone else and when you try to replicate it or buy the same piece it just doesn’t look the same on you? Again this all comes down to our wonderfully unique personalities. You do you lovely!

Another thing to consider are photos taken of your dress during the first appointment. The sample probably wasn’t made to fit you and the lighting in the shop or studio you visit won’t have been the most flattering natural light. Remember your Sister or Mum are not professional photographers, you probably weren’t wearing the correct underwear not to mention the impact that shoes, hair, makeup, veil, jewellery will have - all these extras go into pulling your bridal look together. If you spend hours pouring over those images after you’ve said yes, you’re likely to start picking fault in your appearance, which can then develop into doubt over your chosen dress. Try to trust in your gut and the fact that on the day you were utterly in love with the outfit you chose. Of course if you do have genuine concerns along the line do speak up and chat things through with the designer or stylist you’re working with, they will be able to reassure you and have many ideas on how to tweak the dress if there are particular issues worrying you, however don’t leave this until the last minute.

5. Take a deep breath and zone in on what your wedding is really all about.

So this last tip might not be entirely about finding your dress, but sometimes the pressure of a looming wedding day and the expectations society often places on a bride can bear heavy on your shoulders. If you find yourself feeling weighed down by the worries of what people are going to think, especially if those thoughts are revolving around your appearance, please remember to take some deep breaths and Let. It. Go. Yes, your wedding day is a wonderful milestone to be celebrated and enjoyed, but it is just another passing day like any other. It is not there to torment you into punishing yourself or setting hideously unrealistic weight loss goals that will ensure you are miserable for the entire lead up to the day. I encourage you to remember that you are in fact marrying somebody who loves the very bones of you, somebody who loves the way you crinkle your nose when you laugh, who loves the way you tap your foot to your favourite song or smile to yourself when you feel the sun on your face. That somebody loves the essence of you and is going to be so flipping excited to see you on the day that you promise to spend forever together, and isn’t that the most special and important thing in the entire world.

Talum Beach Bride

Photo by Amy Chapple Photography


Photoshoot | Wanderer | Behind the Scenes.